"Vibes" is a measurement of your activity on i:Vibes.
You get points for doing the following:
- Each day you do anything at i:Vibes you get 0.10 vibes
- For creating a new forum topic you get 0.05 vibes
- For replying to a forum post you get 0.02 vibes
- For reading an article you get 0.01 vibes
- For sending a PM to another user you get 0.02 vibes
- For voting on the frontpage-poll you get 0.10 vibes
- For voting inside an article (review) you get 0.10 vibes
- By submitting a song to the trance-chart you get 0.03 vibes
- For voting in the chart you get 0.02 vibes
- For writing a message in the shoutbox you get 0.01 vibes
- By giving others a Good/Bad rating in the forums you get 0.01 vibes
- If someone else rates your forum-post as good you get 0.01 vibes
- If someone else rates your forum-post as bad your vibes gets reduced by 0.01
For a more thorough explanation please read this article: