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The very best records from the 30 year career of RAM are all under the chop with a brand new double CD jam packed with fresh new remixes of his very best tunes…
For over three decades a man called RAM has been delivering one banging tune after the other. He is as passionate about the music now as he was 30 years ago. This year he is celebrating that 30 year career with some very special events and some very tasty releases. The first of which will be arriving in the form of a double CD picking out his best tracks from the collection and dropping fresh new remixes on them.
The release is as fresh as the remixes as no official tracklist or confirmed release date has been announced yet. We do know that the release will be on Black Hole Recordings and that’s its available to pre-order now. It will be a limited edition run so once there gone they are gone. He’s done so many good tracks over the years and one particular one that stands out for me is ‘RAMsterdam’. There has already been an epic remix of this already by Jorn van Deynhoven but I’m sure its going to get a new one with this new release.
:: Pre order right here